Exotic Tops & Tunics for Girls on Jeans | Clichè Style Fall/Winter 2011/12 for Ladies

Exotic Tops & Tunics for Girls on Jeans | Clichè Style Fall/Winter 2011/12 for Ladies

Exotic Tops & Tunics for Girls on Jeans is the selection of she-styles and presented by Clichè a famous brand of Pakistan who deals in wide range of Ladies ,Mans Kids eastern,western Accessories and many part of Our Clothing field.This is Clichè Style Fall/Winter 2011/12 for Ladies of Trendy Tops and Short dresses On this Winter to wear casually and some time in parties to be Simple and beautiful with latest fashion.

10 Artis Korea Berwajah Paling Ganteng 2012

Amin's Blog - REGENERASI merupakan hal yang alami, tak terkecuali di industri hiburan. Setelah era Won Bin, Jang Dong Gun, Kwon Sang Woo, Song Seung Hoon, Hyun Bin, Rain, dan Shinhwa menguasai bisnis pertunjukan di Korea, muncul wajah-wajah baru.

Aktor dan musisi muda kini mengisi posisi bintang paling populer, bersanding dengan para senior yang usianya sudah berkepala 3. Selain karya populer, pencapaian karier, mereka dikagumi dan diperbincangkan karena keunggulan fisik yang memenuhi kriteria seorang idola.

Wajah tampan dan kepribadian menyenangkan tentu lebih mudah membuat fans bertekuk lutut. Membuka tahun 2012 dengan semangat demam Korea, kami memilih 10 bintang Korea paling tampan. Siapa saja? Berikut pilihan kami

1. Jang Geun Suk
2. Song Joong Ki

3. Lee Min Ho

4. Micky Yoochun 

5. Kim Hyun Joong

6. Choi Siwon

7. Choi Minho 


8. Taecyeon

9. Lee Seung Gi

10. Kim So Hyun 


10 Negara Paling Maju Di Dunia

Amin's Blog - Indeks Pengembangan Humanisme atau Human Development Index (HDI) adalah statistik komposit yang digunakan untuk menentukan peringkat negara menurut tingkat perkembangan mereka dari skor "sangat tinggi" sampai " Rendah" untuk peringkat Negara yang dinilai berdasarkan harapan hidup, pendidikan, standar hidup, kesejahteraan anak, perawatan kesehatan , kesejahteraan, dan kebahagiaan penduduk.

Rumus yang digunakan untuk faktor semua variabel dan menentukan nilai dan peringkat sebuah negara.
Mungkin beberapa Kritik pernah menyebutkan HDI kurang akurat atau samar, akan tetapi anda bisa menilai validitas penilaian tersebut berdasarkan 10 peringkat tertinggi perkembangan negara - negara di dunia berdasarkan HDI dalam daftar berikut ini .

Berikut ini daftarnya, beserta skor yang diberikan HDI dan penjelasan singkatnya. mungkin anda bisa menilai sendiri tentang keakuratan HDI berdasarkan persepsi dan pemikiran pribadi,

1. Norwegia 

Norwegia, atau Kerajaan Norwegia. Negara ini memiliki penduduk hampir 5 juta adalah negara monarki konstitusional parlementer dengan standar pendidikan sangat tinggi , kemiskinan dan tingkat pengangguran sangat rendah, serta harapan hidup 80,2 tahun.

Norwegia adalah anggota pendiri penting NATO namun menolak bergabung dengan Uni Eropa, tetapi terus memiliki hubungan baik dengan negara-negara Eropa. Norwegia juga merupakan anggota pendiri dan sekarang donatur besar untuk PBB serta membantu Dewan Eropa, merupakan anggota aktif dari WTO dan OECD. Norwegia memiliki salah satu cadangan terbesar minyak bumi, gas alam, mineral, kayu, makanan laut, air tawar, dan tenaga air , juga merupakan eksportir utama minyak.

Norwegia diakui secara internasional untuk perawatan kesehatan universal, sistem pendidikan maju, dan sistem keamanan terkemuka sosial. Untuk semua alasan ini, Kerajaan Norwegia menempati urutan nomor satu di Indeks Pengembangan kualitas Manusia menurut PBB  

2. Australia

Secara resmi disebut Persemakmuran Australia (Commonwealth of Australia), pulau / benua ini memiliki ekonomi dunia 13 terbesar, dengan GDP $ 918.978.000.000, dan tertinggi ke-5 per kapita $ 40.836.
Australia adalah Negara monarki konstitusional federal dan parlementer dengan beberapa peringkat tertinggi di dunia dalam kategori kualitas hidup , kesehatan, pendidikan (hampir 100% melek huruf dan persentase yang sangat tinggi dari lulusan kuliah ), kebebasan ekonomi, dan akhirnya kebebasan sipil dan perlindungan hak asasi manusia.

Dengan penduduk 22,7 juta Australia berjuang untuk pemerintahan yang stabil, warga konten, perdamaian, dan keberlanjutan dalam perlindungan satwa liar dan keanekaragaman hayati , serta harapan hidup 81,2 tahun. Tentu saja, Australia adalah tempat yang fantastis untuk dikunjungi untuk berpetualang melihat satwa liar pedesaan dan kota-kota indah seperti Sydney. 


Juga dikenal sebagai United Netherlands atau Holland, Belanda adalah monarki konstitusional, sementara juga menjadi demokrasi perwakilan. Belanda memiliki standar pendidikan dan melek huruf sangat tinggi, memiliki angka kemiskinan dan tingkat pengangguran rendah , dipimpin oleh Perdana Menteri Mark Ruttea.

Sepanjang sejarahnya, Belanda adalah salah satu pendiri utama dari Uni Eropa, NATO, OECD dan WTO yang disebut "world's legal capital" hosting lima sistem internasional pengadilan. PDBnya sebesar $ 832,160 miliar dan memiliki PDB per kapita $ 49.950. Pada bulan Mei tahun 2011, 16,7 juta orang Belanda menempati peringkat paling bahagia di dunia, dengan ekonomi yang stabil, pemerintah jujur, pajak rendah, serta kota-kota yang indah seperti ibukota Amsterdam, dan harapan hidup sehat 79,8 tahun. 

4. Amerika Serikat

Amerika Serikat lahir tahun 1776, mengalahkan Inggris dalam Revolusi Amerika (dengan banyak bantuan dari Perancis) dan menyatakan kemerdekaannya, dan sekarang, setelah mengeluarkan penduduk asli Amerika, memerangi Perang Saudara, berurusan dengan Depresi Besar, dan terlibat dalam dua Perang Dunia, AS telah muncul sebagai negara yang paling kuat di dunia, dengan GDP sebesar $ 15 triliun (yang terbesar di dunia) dan PDB per kapita $ 48.147.

AS adalah raksasa manufaktur dan importir dan eksportir barang dan mitra perdagangan dengan HAMPIR semua negara besar. AS kehilangan poin karena, dari populasi hampir 315 juta, ada tingkat kemiskinan 15%, rata-rata pengangguran 9% (dan di beberapa negara bagian sampai 14%), kritikus internasional berpendapat bahwa standar pendidikan Amerika mulai tertinggal. Meski harapan hidup relatif tinggi sebesar 79 tahun, namun tingkat obesitas meroket, sampai dengan 33% orang dewasa menderita obesitas, dan tingkat yang sama untuk anak-anak. Amerika juga memiliki utang besar dan menyeret negara-negara lain mengalami penurunan perdagangan yang disebabkan oleh resesi global.  

5. Selandia Baru

Selandia Baru adalah kelompok kecil dan relatif terpencil di pulau dan salah satu pulau terakhir yang ditemukan dan didiami oleh manusia. karena itu Selandia baru, berisi pemandangan yang indah dan kehidupan hewan berkembang dan keanekaragaman hayati yang menarik kawanan wisatawan setiap tahunnya.

Selandia Baru adalah parlemen monarki konstitusional yang juga mengakui Ratu Elizabeth II sebagai Kepala Negara dan lagu kebangsaan mereka, sementara John Key adalah Perdana Menteri.

Selandia Baru memiliki salah satu standar hidup tertinggi dan peringkat kebahagiaan di dunia, dan cenderung menjadi pendukung kuat untuk perdamaian dan kelestarian lingkungan, melarang senjata nuklir dan melindungi satwa liar yang beragam.

PDBnya $ 157.877.000.000 dolar, dengan GDP per kapita $ 35.374 bagi penduduk 4,3 juta. Pendidikan, melek huruf, dan standar kesehatan semua sangat tinggi dengan harapan hidup 80,2 tahun. Tentu saja, Selandia Baru adalah hot spot untuk wisatawan mencari topografi yang indah dan keanekaragaman hayati, saat Anda berada di sana Anda dapat mampir ke kota indah Wellington
6. Kanada

Kanada, secara geografis, negara terbesar kedua di samping Rusia dan berbagi perbatasan internasional terpanjang di dunia dengan Amerika Serikat.

Kanada diatur oleh negara demokrasi parlementer dan sebuah monarki konstitusional menyimpannya hubungan dengan penutupan Inggris, menjadi salah satu dari sedikit negara dengan dua lagu kebangsaan ("O Kanada," lagu kebangsaan, dan "God Save the Queen," Royal Anthem) dengan Ratu Elizabeth II sebagai Kepala Negara.

Negara ini sangat ekonomis maju dengan GDP $ 1.758.000.000.000 dan GDP per kapita $ 51.147.

Memiliki populasi cerdas dengan pendidikan tinggi dan tingkat melek huruf, dan sebagian besar penduduknya menguasai bilingual atau bahkan trilingual (Inggris dan Perancis merupakan bahasa resmi, kadang Spanyol).

Kanada dikenal karena sistem perawatan kesehatan gratis (harapan hidup 80,7) dan pajak minimal pada 34.700.000 jiwa. Dan tentu saja, kanada menjadi tujuan wisata yang besar, karena Anda dapat mengunjungi air terjun terkenal di dunia Niagara, atau ibu kota Ottawa, atau mungkin bahkan bangunan bersejarah di kota sebagian besar bercitrakan Perancis-di Quebec.  

7. Irlandia

Republik Irlandia memiliki populasi relatif kecil 4,5 juta, adalah negara demokrasi parlementer, dan ibu kotanya Dublin. Irlandia memiliki tingkat melek huruf sangat tinggi dari 99% dan standar pendidikan tinggi, serta harapan hidup 78,9 tahun. Irlandia juga memiliki infrastruktur seimbang, dengan PDB $ 203.890.000.000 dan tingkat PDB per kapita $ 45.497.

Negara ini menduduki peringkat # 7 untuk kebebasan pers, kebebasan ekonomi, dan kebebasan politik publik. Irlandia dalam proses pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cepat saat resesi global dimulai pada tahun 2008.

Irlandia dari PDB negatif berpengalaman dan akumulasi utang besar, yang dinilai sebagai salah satu dari lima negara Eropa "PIIGS" (Portugal, Irlandia, Italia, Yunani, dan Spanyol) dan kehilangan dua poin pada Skala Indeks Pengembangan Manusia.

Namun, Perdana Menteri (Taoiseach) Enda Kenney bekerja sama dengan para pemimpin Uni Eropa (Perancis dan Jerman) untuk meringankan masalah ini dan terus membawa Irlandia lebih maju dengan pesat. 

8. Liechtenstein

Kerajaan Liechtenstein adalah salah satu negara terkecil dan paling padat di dunia, dengan daratan hanya 160 kilometer persegi (62 mil persegi, seukuran Washington, AS) dan jumlah penduduk 35.000.
Meski begitu, demokrasi parlementer berhasil memiliki salah satu PDB per kapita tertinggi di dunia ($ 141.000) dan tidak memiliki utang luar negeri,tidak ada kemiskinan, dan tidak ada pengangguran, memiliki peringkat sastra dan pendidikan terkemuka.

Liechtenstein memiliki pajak sangat rendah yang dikenakan pada warga negaranya dan merupakan pusat investasi dari negara dan orang kaya di dunia. Jika pernah merasakan keinginan untuk bepergian ke negara ini akanmenjadi menarik, dengan mengunjungi ibukota Vaduz, di mana Anda dapat melihat kastil besar Vaduz, rumah bagi sang pangeran dan keluarganya, sementara juga berkenalan dengan 5.100 penduduk kotanya

9. Jerman

Republik Federasi Jerman, atau Jerman, memiliki perekonomian terbesar di Uni Eropa, dan salah satu populasi terbesar sebanyak 82.200.000 jiwa, menjadi modal yang ramai dan pusat ekonomi di Berlin. Kanselir Angela Merkel adalah kepala pemerintah dengan standar pendidikan rakyat yang sangat tinggi, tingkat kehadiran hampir 100% dan tingkat melek huruf 99%.

Jerman tumbuh subur di industri dan manufaktur dan merupakan eksportir utama produk listrik dan enginering, seperti mobil (Volkswagen), Dan terkenal secara global untuk tenaga kerja terampil mereka.
PDBnya sebesar USD 3.500.000.000.000 $,PDB per kapita $ 40.631, tingkat kemiskinan yang rendah, meskipun tingkat pengangguran sekitar 7%.

Jerman juga seperti Swedia, adalah tujuan wisata utama untuk keindahan historisnya, dan orang-orang yang mengagumkan (kecuali tentu saja Hitler dan Nazi di 1930-40-an) JErman memiliki harapan hidup 79,4 tahun.  

10. Swedia

Negara sosialis Eropa dan liberal sebagian besar dari Swedia (resminya disebut Kerajaan Swedia) dipimpin oleh Perdana Menteri Fredrick Reinfeldt wilayahnya seukuran negara bagian California atau Spanyol dan memiliki perkiraan populasi sebesar 9,3 juta dengan ibu kota dan kota terbesar adalah Stockholm.
Orang-orang Swedia dinilai sebagai salah satu paling bahagia di dunia dan memiliki nilai tinggi dalam pendapatan (GDP USD $ 35.876 per kapita, dan PDB reguler USD $ 485.000.000.000), harapan hidup (80,9 tahun), dan pendidikan.

Selain itu, negara ini memiliki angka pengangguran dan tingkat kemiskinansangat rendah , memiliki akses yang sama dan bebas untuk perawatan kesehatan, menjadi salah satu pendukung paling aktif dalam kelestarian lingkungan dan mendorong untuk negara-negara lain untuk lebih "GO GREN" seperti Swedia. swedia juga menjadi tujuan wisata utama bagi jutaan wisatawan internasional, karena negara ini memiliki sejarah panjang


Saree Blouse Designs 2011

Indian women have been experimenting with saree blouse designs since ages. From being just a saree accessory, blouse has come to being a fashion statement! And with all those creative minds of fashion designers working day and night combined with the fashion consciousness of modern women, saree blouse designs have gone all bold! With halter necks to bare backs and from noodle spaghetti straps to one shoulder blouse and even shoulder less tube blouse- Indian women now want all bold blouses. Fashion blouses and designer blouses are now not only the things of fashion shows and ramps only. They have found place in the wardrobe of an average woman too. So what are the latest saree blouse designs that will prevail in the year 2010? Lets see through the eyes of camera- in this photo gallery of saree blouse designs having pictures of blouses to give an idea of hot saree blouse trends in 2011!
One Strap Saree Blouse
One Shoulder Cross Strap Blouse
Fashion Blouse
Fashion Blouse Design
Designer Saree Blouse
Designer Saree Blouse
Saree Blouse Neck Design
Saree Blouse Neck Design
Embellished Saree Blouse Style
Embellished Saree Blouse Style
Bikini Blouse Design
Bikini Blouse Design
Choli Style Blouse
Choli Style Blouse
Halter Neck Saree Blouse
Halter Neck Saree Blouse
Latest Saree Blouse Design
Latest Saree Blouse Design
Choli Design
Choli Design

Saree Blouse Designs 2011

Indian women have been experimenting with saree blouse designs since ages. From being just a saree accessory, blouse has come to being a fashion statement! And with all those creative minds of fashion designers working day and night combined with the fashion consciousness of modern women, saree blouse designs have gone all bold! With halter necks to bare backs and from noodle spaghetti straps to one shoulder blouse and even shoulder less tube blouse- Indian women now want all bold blouses. Fashion blouses and designer blouses are now not only the things of fashion shows and ramps only. They have found place in the wardrobe of an average woman too. So what are the latest saree blouse designs that will prevail in the year 2010? Lets see through the eyes of camera- in this photo gallery of saree blouse designs having pictures of blouses to give an idea of hot saree blouse trends in 2011!
One Strap Saree Blouse
One Shoulder Cross Strap Blouse
Fashion Blouse
Fashion Blouse Design
Designer Saree Blouse
Designer Saree Blouse
Saree Blouse Neck Design
Saree Blouse Neck Design
Embellished Saree Blouse Style
Embellished Saree Blouse Style
Bikini Blouse Design
Bikini Blouse Design
Choli Style Blouse
Choli Style Blouse
Halter Neck Saree Blouse
Halter Neck Saree Blouse
Latest Saree Blouse Design
Latest Saree Blouse Design
Choli Design
Choli Design

Latest Saree Blouse Designs

Saree Blouse DesignAn Indian woman knows it very well that blouse can make or mar the looks of a gorgeous saree. As such, they are more than simply cautious about their blouse style. While in the past, low cut midriff baring blouses were the only blouse patterns, in the recent times, designer saree blouse is the hottest fashion trend among the Indian women. Now these designer saree blouse patterns are made according to the individual needs of a woman as per her body type and other considerations. The latest saree blouse designs have amazing neck patterns and stylish back neck designs and these have been made popular by the top fashion designers of Indian Women. These fashion blouses have various types of neck designs and are decorated with a host of various trims including stones, aari work, sequins, beads, crystals, embroidery etc.

Hot Designer Saree Blouse Patterns

Here are some latest saree blouse design patterns, with neck and back styles of blouses. Buy these fashion blouses readymade from shops and boutiques or get them stitched from your local tailor- they are amazingly expert in copying any kind of designs just by looking at the pictures.

Choli Blouse Design

Earlier, choli blouse were worn only with lehenga but with changing fashion trends, the choli blose pattern has undergone tremendous change and is considered a best replacement of regular saree blouse. Choli blouse style can give a sensuous look to even a regular or simple saree. The latest choli blouse designs have the actual designs on the back, with elaborate backs, blouses having low cuts, strappy strings, bejeweled strings, which can also be quite revealing and sexy. To wear the new-age sexy choli, the young girls need to have a well-toned body with the back superbly exfoliated. It is evident that today, the modern, young women of India woman is a far cry from the women of 60s and 70s. Being cool is her attitude, and fashion-wise, the choli blouse has shrunk just right to adapt to their multi-tasking lives.
Choli Style Blouse
Choli Blouse Style

Bikini Blouse Design

Bikini blouses have become very popular in recent years, expecially due to the influence of the bollywood actresses who are seen wearing these blouses in their movies as well as in functions, events and parties. Bikini blouse which looks more like a bikini top has given an entirely new dimension to the traditional look of the Indian saree blouse. These blouses look good with saris, giving a very bold, sensuous appearance. For a very hot and sexy look, along with an ethnic touch, bikini blouses are a hot favourite among the young fashion conscious ladies. It is a trend that only a few with a great body can carry off well. So it is like, "if your have it, flaunt it".
Bikini Blouse
Bikini blouse Design

Halter Neck Blouse Pattern

Another latest saree blouse design is the haler neck blouses. Halter dresses are in vogue all over the world. So, how can the blouses of Indian sarees remain untouched from their influence? Tie it up or get it stitched- experiment with neck designs to flaunt your neck and back. In fact, a halter neck blouse design has many variations- the classic halter neck that is made popular by the Bollywood actresses, the 'V' halter neck that gives a shape of V to the straps around the neck. Be innovative and use your saree's border for the 'V' shape or you can even use sequined trims, zari or laces for the purpose. There are still others- the crossed halter neck is also very attractive. However, go for it only if you have a long slender neck otherwise it can give you an awkward look.
Halter Neck Blouse
Halter Neck Saree Blouse

Stringed Back Blouse Style

The latest saree blouse design is also the stringed back blouse style. A saree blouse with strings in different patterns sure give a sexy look to the wearer. No buttons or zips, just tie ups for a great style statement. This type of blouse design can have long straps that are tied in a knot at the lower back. You can have straight strings side to side tied at the middle- these can be all over the back of blouse or just single or two-three strings at the blouse bottom or top- whatever you think will make your back more attractive. You can even get them crossed strings. And if you don't want the hassle of tying them up every time, have the opening of your blouse in the front instead of the back or get the ends of strings stitched having the look of tie up. Let your imagination fly to get a unique stringed back blouse.
Stringed Back Blouse
Stringed Back Saree Blouse

Off Shoulders Blouse Style

Want to get some more sexier looks? One of the popular saree blouse designs for the bold and beautiful look is off shoulder blouse. Boat neck off-the-shoulder look is the most common and also the most popular. However, sweetheart neck off-the-shoulder look is also liked by many where the sleeves are attached separately as if it is a band stitched to the blouse. Again use the border of the saree or any other kinds of trim. A single shoulder style blouse can also do if you feel uncomfortable in both shoulders off. This style of blouse will have just one shoulder strap or sleeve and will leave the other shoulder bare. You can make it a high waisted bustier type or can have a simple design with front buttoning.
Off Shoulders Blouse
Off Shoulder Blouse

Backless Blouse

The ultimate design of a blouse- bringing out your feminine charm the most! You'll sure look hot in it! These are the latest fashion blouses. Leave the back bare with a little slender tie up- a very thin strip at back will make the outfit more sexier than described. However, it depends on you how much of your back you are ready to bare. This type of back looks most attractive in choli designs that are worn with lehengas. Just make sure that the single string is tied securely at the back to avoid any wardrobe malfunction! The blouse back neck designs can be made more stylish as per individual tastes and preference.
Backless Blouse
Designer Saree Blouse Backless

Spaghetti Strap Blouse

For a bold and daring woman, a fashion blouse with spaghetti straps will also do wonders. Get noodle thin straps or just flat strings. And if you want to be some more unconventional, get some sequined or even jeweled straps. You can use anything- pearls, beads or stones to make the straps of your blouse- your choice, of course based on the saree, its fabric and the occasion when you will wear it.
Spaghetti Strap Blouse
Spaghetti Strap Blouse

Latest Saree Blouse Designs

Saree Blouse DesignAn Indian woman knows it very well that blouse can make or mar the looks of a gorgeous saree. As such, they are more than simply cautious about their blouse style. While in the past, low cut midriff baring blouses were the only blouse patterns, in the recent times, designer saree blouse is the hottest fashion trend among the Indian women. Now these designer saree blouse patterns are made according to the individual needs of a woman as per her body type and other considerations. The latest saree blouse designs have amazing neck patterns and stylish back neck designs and these have been made popular by the top fashion designers of Indian Women. These fashion blouses have various types of neck designs and are decorated with a host of various trims including stones, aari work, sequins, beads, crystals, embroidery etc.

Hot Designer Saree Blouse Patterns

Here are some latest saree blouse design patterns, with neck and back styles of blouses. Buy these fashion blouses readymade from shops and boutiques or get them stitched from your local tailor- they are amazingly expert in copying any kind of designs just by looking at the pictures.

Choli Blouse Design

Earlier, choli blouse were worn only with lehenga but with changing fashion trends, the choli blose pattern has undergone tremendous change and is considered a best replacement of regular saree blouse. Choli blouse style can give a sensuous look to even a regular or simple saree. The latest choli blouse designs have the actual designs on the back, with elaborate backs, blouses having low cuts, strappy strings, bejeweled strings, which can also be quite revealing and sexy. To wear the new-age sexy choli, the young girls need to have a well-toned body with the back superbly exfoliated. It is evident that today, the modern, young women of India woman is a far cry from the women of 60s and 70s. Being cool is her attitude, and fashion-wise, the choli blouse has shrunk just right to adapt to their multi-tasking lives.
Choli Style Blouse
Choli Blouse Style

Bikini Blouse Design

Bikini blouses have become very popular in recent years, expecially due to the influence of the bollywood actresses who are seen wearing these blouses in their movies as well as in functions, events and parties. Bikini blouse which looks more like a bikini top has given an entirely new dimension to the traditional look of the Indian saree blouse. These blouses look good with saris, giving a very bold, sensuous appearance. For a very hot and sexy look, along with an ethnic touch, bikini blouses are a hot favourite among the young fashion conscious ladies. It is a trend that only a few with a great body can carry off well. So it is like, "if your have it, flaunt it".
Bikini Blouse
Bikini blouse Design

Halter Neck Blouse Pattern

Another latest saree blouse design is the haler neck blouses. Halter dresses are in vogue all over the world. So, how can the blouses of Indian sarees remain untouched from their influence? Tie it up or get it stitched- experiment with neck designs to flaunt your neck and back. In fact, a halter neck blouse design has many variations- the classic halter neck that is made popular by the Bollywood actresses, the 'V' halter neck that gives a shape of V to the straps around the neck. Be innovative and use your saree's border for the 'V' shape or you can even use sequined trims, zari or laces for the purpose. There are still others- the crossed halter neck is also very attractive. However, go for it only if you have a long slender neck otherwise it can give you an awkward look.
Halter Neck Blouse
Halter Neck Saree Blouse

Stringed Back Blouse Style

The latest saree blouse design is also the stringed back blouse style. A saree blouse with strings in different patterns sure give a sexy look to the wearer. No buttons or zips, just tie ups for a great style statement. This type of blouse design can have long straps that are tied in a knot at the lower back. You can have straight strings side to side tied at the middle- these can be all over the back of blouse or just single or two-three strings at the blouse bottom or top- whatever you think will make your back more attractive. You can even get them crossed strings. And if you don't want the hassle of tying them up every time, have the opening of your blouse in the front instead of the back or get the ends of strings stitched having the look of tie up. Let your imagination fly to get a unique stringed back blouse.
Stringed Back Blouse
Stringed Back Saree Blouse

Off Shoulders Blouse Style

Want to get some more sexier looks? One of the popular saree blouse designs for the bold and beautiful look is off shoulder blouse. Boat neck off-the-shoulder look is the most common and also the most popular. However, sweetheart neck off-the-shoulder look is also liked by many where the sleeves are attached separately as if it is a band stitched to the blouse. Again use the border of the saree or any other kinds of trim. A single shoulder style blouse can also do if you feel uncomfortable in both shoulders off. This style of blouse will have just one shoulder strap or sleeve and will leave the other shoulder bare. You can make it a high waisted bustier type or can have a simple design with front buttoning.
Off Shoulders Blouse
Off Shoulder Blouse

Backless Blouse

The ultimate design of a blouse- bringing out your feminine charm the most! You'll sure look hot in it! These are the latest fashion blouses. Leave the back bare with a little slender tie up- a very thin strip at back will make the outfit more sexier than described. However, it depends on you how much of your back you are ready to bare. This type of back looks most attractive in choli designs that are worn with lehengas. Just make sure that the single string is tied securely at the back to avoid any wardrobe malfunction! The blouse back neck designs can be made more stylish as per individual tastes and preference.
Backless Blouse
Designer Saree Blouse Backless

Spaghetti Strap Blouse

For a bold and daring woman, a fashion blouse with spaghetti straps will also do wonders. Get noodle thin straps or just flat strings. And if you want to be some more unconventional, get some sequined or even jeweled straps. You can use anything- pearls, beads or stones to make the straps of your blouse- your choice, of course based on the saree, its fabric and the occasion when you will wear it.
Spaghetti Strap Blouse
Spaghetti Strap Blouse